Maxime Folschette
Maître de conférences Centrale Lille Institut / CRIStAL
I am associate professor (maître de conférences) at Centrale Lille Institut / CRIStAL.
My teaching and research areas are computer science.
My main research topic is the analysis and learning of dynamical biological models.
Collaborations by theme:
Glucose/insulin modeling through ODEs:
Cédric Lhoussaine,
Danilo Dursoniah.
Model checking on discrete models:
Olivier Roux,
Morgan Magnin,
Martin Lange,
Loïc Paulevé,
Emna Ben Abdallah,
Courtney Chancellor.
Machine learning of discrete models:
Olivier Roux,
Morgan Magnin,
Katsumi Inoue,
Tony Ribeiro,
Sophie Tourret.
Hybrid models (parameters inferences, model checking):
Jean-Paul Comet,
Jonathan Behaegel,
Honglu Sun,
Morgan Magnin.
Data inference:
Nathalie Théret,
Vincent Legagneux,
Carito Guziolowski,
Arnaud Poret,
Lokmane Chebouba.
Model reconstruction:
Carito Guziolowski,
Marie Lefebvre,
Alban Gaignard,
Jérémie Bourdon.
Semantic web:
Alban Gaignard,
Hala Skaf.
Centrale Lille (for mail)
- Cité scientifique
CS 20048
CRIStAL (for visits)
- Cité scientifique
Bâtiment Esprit
Avenue Henri Poincaré
- Building: Esprit
- Office: S3.33
General information
Research topics
Domain: Computer science / Formal methods / Bioinformatics
Keywords: Formal Methods, Biological Regulatory Networks, Parameters Inference, Static Analysis, Polyadic μ-calculus, Hoare Logic
Models: Thomas Modeling, Process Hitting, Automata Networks, Hybrid Automata
Previous occupations
Since 2019: Associate professor at Centrale Lille Institut & Centre de Recherche en Informatique, Signal et Automatique de Lille (Villeneuve-d'Ascq, France).
2018–2019: Postdoc at CNRS,
hired by IFB-core,
hosted by groups GDD and COMBI
at LS2N laboratory,
on project INEX-MED
(Nantes, France).
2017–2018: Postdoc in the groups
(IRISA lab)
and Dymec
(IRSET lab)
at the Université Bretagne Loire / Université de Rennes 1
(Rennes, France).
2016–2017: ATER (post-doctoral position)
in the MeForBio group,
LS2N laboratory
at the Université de Nantes
(Nantes, France).
2015–2016: ATER (post-doctoral position)
in the MDSC group,
I3S laboratory
at the Université Nice Sophia Antipolis
(Nice, France).
2014–2015: Postdoc in the FMV research group,
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
at the Universität Kassel
(Kassel, Germany).
2012 & 2014: Invited researcher in the Inoue Lab
at the National Institute of Informatics
(Tokyo, Japan).
2011–2014: PhD student in the MeForBio team,
IRCCyN lab
(now LS2N)
at the École Centrale de Nantes
(Nantes, France).
PhD Thesis
I held my PhD thesis on the 8th of October 2014 in the IRCCyN lab (now LS2N) at the École Centrale de Nantes
(Nantes, France)
on the following subject:
Modélisation algébrique de la dynamique multi-échelles des réseaux de régulation biologique
(in English: Algebraic Modeling of the Dynamics of Multi-scale Biological Regulatory Networks).
Related documents:
Book chapters
Tony Ribeiro, Maxime Folschette, Laurent Trilling, Nicolas Glade, Katsumi Inoue, Morgan Magnin and Olivier Roux.
The Challenges of Inferring Dynamic Models from Time Series.
In Cédric Lhoussaine and Élisabeth Remy, editors, Symbolic Approaches to Modeling and Analysis of Biological Systems.
August 2022.
[ Link | DOI | ISBN: 9781789450293 ]
— Editor's English translation of the French chapter "Les enjeux de l'inférence de modèles dynamiques des systèmes biologiques à partir de séries temporelles", see below.
Emna Ben Abdallah, Maxime Folschette and Morgan Magnin.
Analyzing Long-Term Dynamics of Biological Networks with Answer Set Programming.
In Elisabetta De Maria, editor, Systems Biology Modelling and Analysis: Formal Bioinformatics Methods and Tools.
November 2022.
[ Link | PDF | ISBN: 978-1-119-71653-2 ]
Tony Ribeiro, Maxime Folschette, Laurent Trilling, Nicolas Glade, Katsumi Inoue, Morgan Magnin and Olivier Roux.
Les enjeux de l'inférence de modèles dynamiques des systèmes biologiques à partir de séries temporelles(fr).
In Cédric Lhoussaine and Élisabeth Remy, editors, Approches symboliques de la modélisation et de l’analyse des systèmes biologiques.
July 2022.
[ Link | PDF | DOI | ISBN: 978-1-789-48029-0 ]
Loïc Paulevé, Courtney Chancellor, Maxime Folschette, Morgan Magnin and Olivier Roux.
Analyzing Large Network Dynamics with Process Hitting.
In Luis Fariñas del Cerro and Katsumi Inoue, editors, Logical Modeling of Biological Systems, 143184.
August 2014.
[ Link | PDF | DOI | ISBN: 978-1-84821-680-8 ]
Journals with full-paper selection
Tony Ribeiro, Maxime Folschette, Morgan Magnin and Katsumi Inoue.
Learning any memory-less discrete semantics for dynamical systems represented by logic programs.
Machine Learning, Springer. November 2021.
[ Link | PDF | DOI | Software: pylfit | Slides presented at IJCLR'2021]
— Received the ILP best paper award during IJCLR'2021.
Marie Lefebvre, Alban Gaignard, Maxime Folschette, Jérémie Bourdon and Carito Guziolowski.
Large-scale regulatory and signaling network assembly through linked open data.
Database, Oxford University Press, Volume 2021.
January 2021.
[ Link | PDF | DOI | Supplementary material: PDF ]
Maxime Folschette, Vincent Legagneux, Arnaud Poret, Lokmane Chebouba, Carito Guziolowski and Nathalie Théret.
A pipeline to create predictive functional networks: application to the tumor progression of hepatocellular carcinoma.
BMC Bioinformatics, Volume 21, Number 18.
January 2020.
[ Link | PDF | DOI | Supplementary resources: ZIP ]
Emna Ben Abdallah, Maxime Folschette, Olivier Roux and Morgan Magnin.
ASP-based method for the enumeration of attractors in non-deterministic synchronous and asynchronous multi-valued networks.
Algorithms for Molecular Biology,
series Constraints in Bioinformatics.
August 2017.
[ Link | PDF | DOI | Supplementary resource: ZIP ]
Loïc Paulevé, Maxime Folschette, Morgan Magnin and Olivier Roux.
Analyses statiques de la dynamique des réseaux dautomates indéterministes(fr).
Technique et Science Informatiques,
Volume 34, Number 4, 463484.
Lavoisier, 2015.
[ Link | PDF | DOI ]
Maxime Folschette, Loïc Paulevé, Morgan Magnin and Olivier Roux.
Sufficient Conditions for Reachability in Automata Networks with Priorities.
Theoretical Computer Science,
special edition From Computer Science to Biology and Back,
Volume 608, Part 1, 6683.
Elsevier, September 2015.
[ Link | PDF | DOI | Supplementary resource: ZIP ]
— Extended version of the article published in CS2Bio13.
Maxime Folschette, Loïc Paulevé, Katsumi Inoue, Morgan Magnin and Olivier Roux.
Identification of Biological Regulatory Networks from Process Hitting models.
Theoretical Computer Science, Volume 568, 4971.
Elsevier, February 2015.
[ Link | PDF | DOI ]
— Extended version of the article published in CMSB12.
Conferences and workshops with full-paper selection
Danilo Dursoniah, Maxime Folschette, Rebecca Goutchtat, Violeta Raverdy, François Pattou, Cédric Lhoussaine.
Modeling Intestinal Glucose Absorption from D-xylose Data.
The 15th International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms (BIOINFORMATICS24),
February 2024, Rome, Italy.
[ Link | PDF | DOI | Slides ]
— Received the Best Paper Award.
Honglu Sun, Maxime Folschette, Morgan Magnin.
Reachability analysis of a class of hybrid gene regulatory networks.
17th International Conference on Reachability Problems (RP23),
October 2023, Nice, France.
[ Link | PDF | DOI ]
Honglu Sun, Maxime Folschette, Morgan Magnin.
Condition for periodic attractor in 4-dimensional repressilators.
The 21st International Conference on Computational Methods in Systems Biology (CMSB23),
September 2023, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
[ Link | PDF | DOI ]
Honglu Sun, Jean-Paul Comet, Maxime Folschette, Morgan Magnin.
Condition for Sustained Oscillations in Repressilator Based on a Hybrid Modeling of Gene Regulatory Networks.
The 14th International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms (BIOINFORMATICS23),
February 2023, Lisbon, Portugal & Online.
[ Link | PDF | DOI ]
Tony Ribeiro, Maxime Folschette, Morgan Magnin, Kotaro Okazaki, Lo Kuo-Yen, Katsumi Inoue.
Diagnosis of Event Sequences with LFIT.
The 31st International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming (ILP22),
September 2022, Windsor, United Kingdom & Online.
[ Link | PDF ]
Honglu Sun, Maxime Folschette, Morgan Magnin.
Limit cycle analysis of a class of hybrid gene regulatory networks.
In Ion Petre and Andrei Păun, editors,
20th International Conference on Computational Methods in Systems Biology (CMSB22),
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 13447.
September 2022, Bucharest, Romania & Online.
[ Link | PDF | DOI ]
Danilo Dursoniah, Maxime Folschette, Cédric Lhoussaine, Rebecca Goutchtat, François Pattou, Violeta Raverdy.
Limits of a Glucose-Insulin Model to Investigate Intestinal Absorption in Type 2 Diabetes.
In Birgit Gersbeck-Schierholz and Hesham H. Ali, editors,
The Thirteenth International Conference on Bioinformatics, Biocomputational Systems and Biotechnologies (BIOTECHNO 2021),
June 2021, Valencia, Spain & Online.
[ Link | PDF | Paper repository ]
Tony Ribeiro, Maxime Folschette, Morgan Magnin, Olivier Roux, Katsumi Inoue.
Learning Dynamics with Synchronous, Asynchronous and General Semantics.
In Fabrizio Riguzzi, Elena Bellodi and Riccardo Zese, editors, The 28th International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming (ILP18),
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 11105.
September 2018, Ferrara, Italy.
[ Link | PDF | DOI | Supplementary resource: ZIP ]
— Regular papers acceptance rate: 75%;
LNCS track acceptance rate: 42%
Jonathan Behaegel, Jean-Paul Comet, Maxime Folschette.
Constraint Identification Using Modified Hoare Logic on Hybrid Models of Gene Networks.
In Sven Schewe, Thomas Schneider and Jef Wijsen, editors, International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning (TIME17).
October 2017, Mons, Belgium.
[ Link | PDF | DOI | Supplementary resource: TAR.GZ ]
— Acceptance rate: 55%
Tony Ribeiro, Sophie Tourret, Maxime Folschette, Morgan Magnin, Domenico Borzacchiello, Francisco Chinesta, Olivier Roux, Katsumi Inoue.
Inductive Learning from State Transitions over Continuous Domains.
In Nicolas Lachiche and Christel Vrain, editors, 27th International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming (ILP17),
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 10759.
September 2017, Orléans, France.
[ Link | PDF | DOI | Supplementary resource: ZIP ]
— Regular papers acceptance rate: 47%
Emna Ben Abdallah, Maxime Folschette, Olivier Roux, Morgan Magnin.
Exhaustive analysis of dynamical properties of Biological Regulatory Networks with Answer Set Programming.
In Bin Ma and Sanguthevar Rajasekaran, editors, IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM15),
IEEE, November 2015, Washington, D.C., USA.
[ Link | PDF | DOI ]
— Acceptance rate: 38%
Maxime Folschette, Loïc Paulevé, Morgan Magnin, Olivier Roux.
Under-approximation of Reachability in Multivalued Asynchronous Networks.
In Emanuela Merelli and Angelo Troina, editors, 4th International Workshop on Interactions between Computer Science and Biology (CS2Bio13),
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, Volume 299, 3351.
June 2013, Florence, Italy.
[ Link | PDF | DOI | Supplementary resource: ZIP ]
Maxime Folschette, Loïc Paulevé, Katsumi Inoue, Morgan Magnin, Olivier Roux.
Concretizing the Process Hitting into Biological Regulatory Networks.
In David Gilbert and Monika Heiner, editors, Computational Methods in Systems Biology (CMSB12),
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 166186.
Springer Berlin Heidelberg, October 2012, London, United Kingdom.
[ Link | PDF | DOI ]
— Acceptance rate: 37%
Maxime Folschette, Loïc Paulevé, Katsumi Inoue, Morgan Magnin, Olivier Roux.
Abducing Biological Regulatory Networks from Process Hitting models.
In Oliver Ray and Katsumi Inoue, editors, ECML-PKDD 2012 Workshop on Learning and Discovery in Symbolic Systems Biology, 2435.
September 2012, Bristol, United Kingdom.
[ Link | PDF ]
Other publications
Maxime Folschette.
The Hoare-fol Tool.
Research report.
December 2019, Villeneuve-d'Ascq, France.
[ PDF ]
Maxime Folschette.
Efficient analysis on very large models.
Extended abstract for the MOVEP student sessions, 108113.
June 2014, Nantes, France.
[ Link | PDF ]
Maxime Folschette.
Presentation of the Process Hitting framework and inference of Biological Regulatory Networks with Thomas parameters.
Short paper for the JDOC students meeting.
April 2013, Saint Nazaire, France.
[ Link | PDF ]
Maxime Folschette.
Introduction to the Process Hitting and inference of its underlying Biological Regulatory Network.
Short paper submission for the ASSB student worshop, 4352.
March 2013, La Colle-sur-Loup, France.
[ Link | PDF ]
Maxime Folschette.
Inferring Biological Regulatory Networks from Process Hitting models.
Extended abstract for the MOVEP student sessions, 9197.
December 2012, Marseille, France.
[ Link | PDF ]
Maxime Folschette.
Application de la logique de Hoare aux réseaux de régulation génétique avec multiplexes.
Master thesis.
September 2011, Nantes, France.
[ PDF(fr) | Slides(fr) ]
Maxime Folschette.
Application de la logique de Hoare aux réseaux de régulation génétique avec multiplexes.
Bibliographical preparation for the master thesis.
February 2011, Nantes, France.
[ PDF(fr) | Slides(fr) ]
Previous research interest: nuclear fusion
Andrea Murari, Didier Mazon, Michela Gelfusa, Maxime Folschette, Thibault Quilichini, EFDA-JET contributors.
Residual analysis of the equilibrium reconstruction quality on JET.
Nuclear Fusion, Volume 51, Number 5.
April 2011.
[ Link | PDF | DOI ]
— Impact factor: 4.090
Journées annuelles du GT Bioss (2024),
Modeling, Analysis and Parameter Inference of a Class of Hybrid Regulatory Networks.
May 2024, Paris, France.
[ Slides ]
Bonsai Team Seminar,
Modeling and Learning Dynamic Biological Systems with Discrete Networks.
March 2024, Villeneuve-d'Ascq, France.
[ Slides ]
MICS Lab Seminar,
Learning Biological Regulatory Networks from Time Series with LFIT: Theory and Practice.
January 2024, Gif-sur-Yvette, France.
[ Slides ]
Master of Data Science Seminar,
Modeling and Learning of Biological Regulatory
October 2023, Villeneuve-d'Ascq, France.
[ Slides ]
21st International Conference on Computational Methods in Systems Biology (CMSB 2023),
Learning any memory-less discrete semantics for dynamical systems represented by logic programs.
September 2023, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
Highlight paper: presentation of our 2021 publication in Machine Learning.
[ Slides | Extended Abstract ]
Bioss Thematic workshop on networks and biological models inference,
Learning Biological Regulatory Networks from Time Series with LFIT: Theory and Practice.
July 2023, Marseille, France.
[ Slides ]
École thématique CNRS Modélisation Formelle de Réseaux de Régulation Biologique,
Modélisation, analyse et inférence de paramètres pour les réseaux de régulation hybrides.
June 2023, Porquerolles, France.
Course for Master and PhD students on formal modeling.
[ Slides ]
Séminaire du GT Bioss,
Learning Dynamical Interactions Within Marine Ecosystems with LFIT.
February 2022, Online.
Presented with Tony Ribeiro.
[ Slides ]
MeForBio Team Seminar,
Identifying Hybrid Parameters of a Hybrid Thomas Modeling with a Hybrid Hoare Logic and a Hybrid Dijkstra Predicate Calculus.
February 2021, Online.
[ Slides ]
Journées Bioss-IA (4e édition),
GULA: Learning (From Any) Semantics of a
Biological Regulatory Network.
November 2020, Online.
Presented with Tony Ribeiro.
[ Slides | Video ]
Journée « Recherche, Innovation et Création » 2020 à l'Université de Lille,
Présentation de l'équipe BioComputing.
October 2020, Online.
[ Slides ]
Journées « Starting Block » de Centrale Lille,
Présentation de l'équipe BioComputing.
September 2020, Villeneuve-d'Ascq, France.
[ Slides ]
MSV Seminar for Newcomers,
Analysis and Learning of Dynamical Biological Networks:
A Summary of my Works.
January 2020, Villeneuve-d'Ascq, France.
[ Slides ]
Journées Bioss Médecine Personalisée,
Search of Therapeutic Targets on the Hepatocellular Carcinoma with Database Extraction and Graph Coloring Methods.
July 2019, Nantes, France.
[ Slides ]
Journées Bioss-IA (2e édition),
Search of Therapeutic Targets on the Hepatocellular Carcinoma with Database Extraction and Graph Coloring Methods.
December 2018, Paris, France.
[ Slides ]
Journées annuelles du GT Bioss (4e édition),
GULA: Semantics-Free Learning of a Biological Regulatory Networks from a Synchronous, Asynchronous or Generalized State Graph.
July 2018, Marseille, France.
[ Slides ]
DKM Department Seminar,
Static Analysis with Abstract Interpretation for the Verification of Dynamical Properties of Biological Regulatory Networks.
January 2018, Rennes, France.
[ Slides ]
Dyliss Team Seminar,
Analysis of Biological Networks: A Summary of my Works.
November 2017, Rennes, France.
[ Slides ]
HyClock ANR Project Progress Meeting,
Inférence de contraintes sur un formalisme hybride via la logique de Hoare.
March 2017, Paris, France.
[ Slides ]
Journée MDSC 2016,
Analysing Biological Networks with Exhaustive and Abstract Methods.
May 2016, Nice, France.
[ Slides ]
MDSC Team Seminar,
Qualitative modeling and dynamical analysis of Biological Regulatory Networks using Asynchronous Automata Networks.
September 2015, Sophia-Antipolis, France.
[ Slides ]
Oberseminar "Theoretische Informatik",
Some Methods and Results on Biological Regulatory Networks.
June 2015, Kassel, Germany.
[ Slides ]
Lifeware Public Seminar,
Modeling and analysis of large regulatory networks with the Process Hitting framework.
April 2015, Rocquencourt, France.
[ Slides ]
KUBIC-NII Joint Seminar on Bioinformatics 2014,
Perturbations and Recovery Costs in Biological Regulatory Networks with Process Hitting.
November 2014, Kyoto, Japan.
[ Slides ]
The NII-Yamanashi-LRI Workshop,
Towards the use of Process Hitting to process biological observations inconsistent with background knowledge.
October 2014, Orsay, France.
Presented with Yoshitaka Yamamoto and Morgan Magnin.
[ Slides ]
The NII-Yamanashi-LRI Workshop,
Exhaustive analysis of the dynamics of Process Hitting through ASP.
October 2014, Orsay, France.
Presented with Emna Ben Abdallah.
[ Slides ]
11th Summer School on Modelling and Verification of Parallel Processes (MOVEP'14),
Efficient analysis on very large models.
June 2014, Nantes, France.
[ Slides ]
Réunion finale du projet ANR BioTempo,
Introducing time parameters into Process Hitting with classes of priorities.
June 2014, Rennes, France.
[ Slides ]
The 5th JFLI-NII-LRI Workshop on Formal Approaches for Modeling and Analyzing Biological Networks,
Towards the analysis and inference of large biological models.
October 2013, Orsay, France.
[ Slides ]
19e Colloque de Recherche Inter-Écoles Centrales,
The Process Hitting framework: a qualitative Bio-informatics modelling.
June 2013, Nantes, France.
[ Slides ]
4th International Workshop on Interactions between Computer Science and Biology,
Under-approximation of reachability in multivalued asynchronous networks.
June 2013, Firenze, Italy.
[ Slides ]
The 11th thematic school on Advances in Systems and Synthetic Biology,
Introduction to the Process Hitting and inference of its underlying Biological Regulatory Network.
March 2013, La Colle-sur-Loup, France.
[ Slides ]
The 10th school for young researchers about Modelling and Verifying Parallel processes,
Inferring Biological Regulatory Networks from Process Hitting models.
December 2012, Marseille, France.
[ Slides ]
The 10th Conference on Computational Methods in Systems Biology,
Concretizing the Process Hitting into Biological Regulatory Networks.
October 2012, London, United Kingdom.
[ Slides ]
ECML-PKDD 2012 Workshop on
Learning and Discovery in Symbolic Systems Biology,
Abducing Biological Regulatory Networks from Process Hitting models.
September 2012, Bristol, United Kingdom.
[ Slides ]
Fourth CSPSAT & ASP Seminar,
Concretizing Process Hitting models into Biological Regulatory Networks with Thomas formalism using ASP.
May 2012, Kobe, Japan.
[ Slides ]
KUBIC-NII Joint Seminar on Bioinformatics 2012,
Translating Process Hitting models to Thomas modeling with ASP.
April 2012, Kyoto, Japan.
[ Slides ]
8th Meeting on Inference-based Hypothesis-finding and its Application to Systems Biology,
Modeling and Analysis of Large Biological Regulatory Networks thanks to the Process Hitting Framework.
March 2012, Kanazawa, Japan.
[ Slides ]
Honglu Sun, Maxime Folschette and Morgan Magnin.
Journées Nationales du GdR Informatique-Mathématiques (JNIM),
Limit cycle analysis of a class of hybrid gene regulatory networks.
March-April 2022, Villeneuve-d'Ascq, France.
[ PDF ]
Danilo Dursoniah, Maxime Folschette, Cédric Lhoussaine, Rebecca Goutchtat, François Pattou and Violeta Raverdy.
Journées Nationales du GdR Informatique-Mathématiques (JNIM),
Limits of a Glucose-Insulin Model to Investigate Intestinal Absorption in Type 2 Diabetes.
March-April 2022, Villeneuve-d'Ascq, France.
Omar Iken, Maxime Folschette and Tony Ribeiro.
The 1st International Joint Conference on Learning & Reasoning,
Automatic Modeling of Dynamical Interactions Within Marine Ecosystems.
October 2021, Online.
[ PDF | Abstract ]
Tony Ribeiro, Maxime Folschette, Morgan Magnin and Katsumi Inoue.
The 1st International Joint Conference on Learning & Reasoning,
Polynomial Algorithm For Learning From
Interpretation Transition.
October 2021, Online.
[ PDF | Abstract ]
Tony Ribeiro, Maxime Folschette, Morgan Magnin and Katsumi Inoue.
The 1st International Joint Conference on Learning & Reasoning,
Learning any memory-less discrete semantics for dynamical systems represented by logic programs.
October 2021, Online.
[ PDF ]
— Presentation of the article published in Machine Learning.
Alban Gaignard, Julie Thompson, Kirsley Chennen, Maxime Folschette, Jocelyn Laporte, Olivier Poch, Richard Redon, Hala Skaf-Molli, and all the INEX-MED consortium.
Assemblée générale de l'Institut français de bioinformatique,
INEX-MED — Intégration et exploration de données biomédicales hétérogènes.
December 2018, Paris, France.
[ PDF ]
Maxime Folschette, Anne Siegel, Vincent Legagneux, Carito Guziolowski and Nathalie Théret.
Journées Ouvertes Biologie, Informatique et Mathématiques 2018 (JOBIM),
Search of Therapeutic Targets in Metabolic Pathways of TGF-β Using Graph Coloring Approaches.
Poster session.
July 2018, Marseille, France.
[ PDF ]
Jonathan Behaegel, Jean-Paul Comet and Maxime Folschette.
3e École thématique de Modélisation Formelle de Réseaux de Régulation Biologique,
A Hybridisation of the Genetically Modified Hoare Logic.
Poster session.
June 2016, Porquerolles, France.
[ PDF ]
Maxime Folschette and Martin Lange.
13th Conference on Computational Methods in Systems Biology (CMSB'15),
A Fixed Point Logic for Checking Properties of Biological Systems.
Poster session.
September 2015, Nantes, France.
[ PDF ]
Maxime Folschette.
13e journée des doctorants de l'ED STIM (JDOC),
Presentation of the Process Hitting framework and inference of Biological Regulatory Networks with Thomas parameters.
Poster presentation.
April 2013, Saint-Nazaire, France.
[ PDF ]
Additional Information
I am currently mentoring two PhD students and an engineer:
Past PhD student who successfully defended:
I have mentored the following Master students:
- Emna Ben Abdallah (M2 internship, 2014)
- Omar Ikne (M1 internship, 2021)
I currently give lessons and practicals at Centrale Lille and its internal school IG2I. I mainly teach:
- Web technologies (HTML, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, PHP)
- Information systems and databases (Merise, UML, SQL)
- Algorithmics, programming and data structures (C)
I previously gave lessons and practicals at École Centrale de Nantes,
at IUT de Nice
and at Faculté des Sciences de Nantes in the following areas:
- Algorithmics and programming (C)
- Information systems and databases (Merise, SQL)
- Object-oriented programming (C++, Java)
- Advanced data structures (Java)
- Logics for computer science (Prolog)
Other activities
Former member of the AED (now ACDC), an association for PhD students on the Centrale Nantes campus.
I participated in seminars to teach the basics of Latex to PhD and Master students.
[ Slides 2014(fr):
3 | Slides 2016(fr):
Exercices ]
I presented a 2-session informal seminar on Coq in order to present theorem provers in the scope of NantesFP.
[ Slides(fr):
Exercices(fr) ]
Master and PhD subjects
Are you looking for a Master internship or a PhD contract? Check the available subjects or contact me directly.